
How To Write 1.2 Million

How to write 1.2 million in words

Numbers to Words Reckoner

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i million 2 hundred thousand Speak it!

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i million two hundred thousandth Speak it!

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What is the ordinal number of 1.2 million? How exercise I spell the ordinal number 1200000. How practise I correctly make full in the amount of one.2 million in a cheque.

Perhaps, you have reached united states of america looking for the reply to a question like: How to write 1.2 one thousand thousand in words. This number to words converter can also exist useful for foreign students of English (ESL) who need to learn both how to write and how to pronounce the cardinal and ordinal numbers. Information technology can even help to reply a worksheet of fundamental and ordinal numbers.

To use this computer/converter just fill in any number and then click on the button 'Convert to Words'. To hear the pronunciation, please click on the play buttons.

What is a cardinal number - Definition of Fundamental Number

A number (such as i, two, 100 or 253 ) used to indicate quantity only not gild. kind of number used to denote the size of a mathematical, including infinite sets. A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are.

What is a ordinal number - Definition of Ordinal Number

In common usage, an ordinal number is an adjective which indicates the place, position or social club of an object in relation to others: first, second, third, etc. An Ordinal Number tells the position of something in a listing, such equally 1st, 2nd, tertiary, quaternary and and then on.

In short we could say:

  • Cardinal -> how many
  • Ordinal -> position

Table of Cardinal versus Ordinal Numbers

Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers
Proper noun Symbol Proper noun Symbol
nix or naught or cypher 0 - -
1 ane first 1st
two two 2nd 2d or second
three 3 third 3d or 3rd
four 4 fourth 4th
five five 5th 5th
half dozen 6 sixth 6th
7 7 seventh 7th
8 8 eighth 8th
9 9 ninth 9th
ten 10 tenth 10th
11 xi eleventh 11th
twelve 12 12th 12th
xiii 13 thirteenth 13th
xiv 14 fourteenth 14th
fifteen 15 fifteenth 15th
sixteen sixteen sixteenth 16th
seventeen 17 seventeenth 17th
eighteen 18 eighteenth 18th
xix nineteen nineteenth 19th
twenty 20 twentieth 20th
xx-one 21 twenty-first 21st
20-2 22 twenty-second 22d or 22nd
twenty-3 23 twenty-third 23d or 23rd
twenty-4 24 twenty-4th 24th
twenty-five 25 xx-fifth 25th
20-six 26 twenty-6th 26th
20-vii 27 20-seventh 27th
twenty-eight 28 xx-eighth 28th
twenty-nine 29 xx-ninth 29th
thirty 30 thirtieth 30th
thirty-i 31 thirty-offset 31st
thirty-two 32 thirty-second 32d or 32nd
40 40 fortieth 40th
twoscore-one 41 xl-first 41st
xl-ii 42 forty-second 42d or 42nd
fifty 50 fiftieth 50th
sixty 60 sixtieth 60th
lxx seventy seventieth 70th
eighty 80 eightieth 80th
ninety 90 ninetieth 90th
one hundred 100 hundredth or 1 hundredth 100th
one hundred and one or 1 hundred one 101 hundred and first or one hundred and offset 101st
one hundred and 2 etc 102 i hundred and second 102d or 102nd
two hundred 200 two hundredth 200th
iii hundred 300 three hundredth 300th
4 hundred 400 four hundredth 400th
five hundred 500 five hundredth 500th
six hundred 600 six hundredth 600th
seven hundred 700 seven hundredth 700th
8 hundred 800 eight hundredth 800th
9 hundred 900 9 hundredth 900th
one g or ten hundred 1 thousandth or i thousandth 1,000th
two thousand 2 two thousandth 2,000th
five grand 5 v thousandth 5,000th
ten k 10 ten thousandth 10,000th
one hundred thousand 100 (One) hundred thousandth 100,000th
one million 1,000,000 millionth or one millionth 1,000,000th

Number to words Converter

Number to words Converter

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